Terms & Conditions
Young Technicians CIC Terms & Conditions for Young Technicians Academy, Limelight Academy of Performing Arts (LAPA), Schools and Outside Provisions
- I consent for my child to attend the sessions organised by the Young Technicians CIC. I understand that the scheme has policies and procedures (which are available for reference at the scheme), and that there are expectations and obligations relating both to the scheme and to my child, and myself and I agree to abide by them.
- Once my child arrives at LAPA they will be in the care of LAPA until collected and signed out by an authorised person.
- I will notify the scheme before the start of the session if my child is not attending on a day that they have booked to attend the session. I understand that I will still be charged for the booked session.
- I will book my child onto the scheme on a school yearly basis and will pay promptly for all booked sessions whether my child attends or not (eg due to illness or holidays), unless I have made other arrangements with the manager.
- It is my responsibility to keep the scheme's manager informed of any alterations to the information regarding my child (eg contact details, medical conditions, etc).
- I accept that my child may take part in activities that involve electrical appliances and tools, heavy, fragile, expensive and delicate equipment while at LAPA. I understand that it is recommended to provide my child with appropriate clothing and footwear to accommodate this if I wish.
- The LAPA office operates between the hours of 09:00 and 17:00 Monday to Friday (Term Time Only) If, due to unforeseen circumstances, I am going to be late, I will contact the manager/deputy as soon as possible. The LAPA reception desk will take over calls from 17:00 to 21:00 weekdays, and, 09:00 to 17:00 on Saturdays.
- If the arrangement is to collect my child outside of the closing times I will pay a charge of £10 per quarter of an hour to cover the costs of the staff who are legally required to supervise my child.
- Whilst LAPA tries to ensure the safety and security of items, I understand that it cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to my child’s or my property whilst at the Club.
- I have read the club’s Behaviour Management Policy and agree to its terms and appreciate that in some circumstances it may be necessary to exclude my child from the club, and I will pay for any missed sessions unless otherwise agreed with the manager.
- If there are any accidents or incidents at Young Technicians involving my child, I will be informed.
- If my child has an accident at the club, they will be treated by a qualified first aider and I will be informed as soon as possible. If my child needs urgent medical treatment and I am unavailable, a member of staff from LAPA will sign any consent forms necessary for treatment on my behalf, as stated on the club’s Medical Form.
- Information held by LAPA regarding my child will be treated as confidential. However, in certain circumstances, for example if there are child protection concerns, I understand that the club has a legal duty to pass certain information on to other agencies, including Police, School, Social Care and health care professionals.
- I understand that aggressive and abusive behaviour towards staff will not be tolerated.
- I will be liable for any damages caused by my child or my self to equipment or property of Young Technicians or any partners. I will be billed for repair or replacement costs and pay promptly.
Payment of fees
- Fees are reviewed annually. The Club will consider requests for variation to payment terms on an individual basis. Anyone making these requests should contact the office manager at the earliest opportunity. Any queries regarding fees should be directed to the office manager.
- If fees are not paid, the Club will write to the parent or carer, requesting payment. If the parents or carers are having difficulty making the payment on time we recommend that they arrange a meeting with the office manager as soon as possible.
- Where there is no explanation for repeated late payment, the manager will contact the parents or carers to discuss payment options. The manager may issue a formal warning to the parent or carer informing them that continued late payment will result in their child’s place at the Club being withdrawn.
- If the fees remain unpaid after all the above options have been explored, the Club may have to cancel the child’s place.
- We WILL contact our debt collection agency for fees not paid in agreement with the office manager.
- If you wish to cancel any future payment due to leaving the course then please notify the office manager in writing either by email or letter with one months cancellation notice. You will still need to pay your months notice. A phone call between manager and yourself will be arranged to discuss this.
I have read and understood the above terms and conditions and I agree to abide by them.